A Night In Heaven


A Night in Heaven (second edition available February 2016)

By Albert A. Haust III

Published by One and Many Publishing
South San Francisco, California
Copyright © 2011 by Albert A. Haust III
If you reproduce any of this book you must site where it came from and the author’s name.
ISBN 978-0-9835475-0-1

Selected chapters of this book have been posted on this website.
The selected chapters are highlighted below.  


1. A Night in Heaven……………………….3

2. One Night’s Surprise…………………….7

3. Just a Not-So-Typical Night of Guard Duty…9

4. Making Contact with My Higher Self and Spirit Guidance………………………..17

5. Regarding Jesus Christ………………….25

6. Humility and the Beautiful Island………..49

7. “You never look behind them,” Overcoming Fear………………………………53

8. Be Love……………………………..83

9. How I Overcame  Lower Back Pain………..97

10. Do Lower Realms Exist?………………..109

11. Moral Relativism……………………..129

12. Regarding Affirmations………………..135

13. Channeling…………………………..139

14. Regarding the Parallel Universe/Many Worlds Viewpoint……………………..151

15. Regarding Earth Changes and 2012………165

16. The Myth of Satan……………………………179